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Agosto 26, 2020

Redazione DonnaWeb

La donna incinta al settimo cielo per l'arrivo di due gemelli, ma l'errore del medico verrà scoperto solo in sala parto

La madre felicissima ha scoperto l'anno scorso che si aspettava una nuova aggiunta familiare. La coppia aveva già due figli, ma  avevano sempre sperato di avere tre figli.

La coppia era al settimo cielo nell'aver realizzato il sogno durato tanti anni.

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It’s late. We had the birthday party tonight and I’ll be overgramming that for the next few days. Tomorrow they are a whole year old. What a year. The best, happiest, hardest, most overwhelming, exhausting year. So many thoughts and memories that feel so distant are coming back to mind. These pictures were all taken one year ago today. The babies made it to our scheduled c-section and the anticipated day was coming in the morning. I had been so worried through the pregnancy that something would happen to one of the babies or that I would go into preterm labor. The stress there was real. I could barely walk. My body hurt so badly. My stomach was so numb that I couldn’t feel anything. 1 million stretch marks. Having to get up every hour to move my aching body but having to make a 7 point turn to get out of bed. By the time it was safe for me to deliver the babies, I became terrified of how the c-section would go. I am so thankful that all 4 of us were safe. I am so proud of these little babies and how this last year has gone. They started so little and have gotten so strong. Tomorrow is all about them and I can’t wait to spend every minute loving and playing and making them feel as special as can be.

Un post condiviso da THE FAIRBANKS FAM (@thefairbanksfam) in data:

Strani sintomi

Le prime fasi della gravidanza erano molto diverse dalle gravidanze precedenti. La madre è stata sottoposta a ecografia alla 10a settimana di gravidanza, scoprendo l'inimmaginabile. 

La coppia fu molto sorpresa di sapere che stavano aspettando due gemelli. Non potevano immaginare una notizia meravigliosa come questa, ma le sorprese per la bellissima coppia non erano ancora finite.

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Chimichanga date night did not disappoint!? It’s been way too long since we’ve gone on a real date. We usually prioritize dating but life has gotten so busy and we’ve let it slide more than I’d like. First restaurant experience since Covid!

Un post condiviso da THE FAIRBANKS FAM (@thefairbanksfam) in data:

Nuovi arrivi

Lo pancia continuava a crescere. La mamma si rese presto conto che il suo stomaco era già notevolmente più grande del previsto. Ha cercato un appuntamento dal medico per capire cosa stesse succedendo.

Un ulteriore ecografia ha rivelato che il medico aveva commesso un errore. La coppia non si aspettava due gemelli, ma tre.

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We’re over a week late but these 3 are 7 months old! Their personalities are really starting to come out! They aren’t quite sitting up or crawling yet, but they are getting stronger and want to so badly! Instead they roll all over the place. All 3 are still toothless and I love their gummy smiles so much! They love food and so far have liked everything they have tried! The boys are so easy going. Jade has become very clingy the last few weeks and is pretty grumpy if she isn’t in our arms. The boys can be put down to play or nap with no problem but she gets so sad. We usually put all three down for bed at around 7:00 and the boys zonk quickly. Jade is usually back in our arms by 7:15 and gets cuddles until she finally falls asleep in our arms later. We aren’t sure if she has colic or what, but she seems so uncomfortable lately. Sometimes she will fuss and fuss while grunting and we don’t know what to do to console her. We’ve been trying gas drops but no real improvement. Maybe she just fusses so she can get some one on one time! Ha! They are really looking forward to going out on the town and meeting friends and cousins once it is safe but for now, they love playing in the yard with big sisters and going on walks to get fresh air!

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Due maschi e una femmina

Lo scorso autunno sono i 3 angioletti della famiglia, Tre gemelli sono nati in perfetta salute senza alcuna complicazione, la coppia ringrazia ogni giorno per questo magnifico dono, adesso la loro famiglia è veramente al completo!

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Happy Mother’s Day to all of you women today whether you have children of your own, children in waiting, children in heaven, not able to have children, and any other situation you may be in. I hope your day is so happy and that you feel loved!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I am very blessed to be the one that these 5 call mom and I will never take that lightly! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Big shoutout to my momma for being my biggest supporter 100%. She’s a beauty in every way. ⁣⁣ @dorisfinlinson ⁣⁣ Also shoutout to Evan’s mom for all she does for us and our children and for raising Evan!⁣⁣ @homemadebycheryl ⁣⁣ Last but not least a shoutout to my super bonus mother in-law for loving us so fully! ⁣ @ilfairbanks ⁣⁣

Un post condiviso da THE FAIRBANKS FAM (@thefairbanksfam) in data:

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