LINK BACK TO WEWS.COM Just in time for Mother's Day: Ohio mom's rare set of mono mono identical twins born holding hands. When Sarah Thistlethwaite and her husband, Bill, went for their third ultrasound in the couple's 19th week of pregnancy, they received a double dose of surprising news. "The ultrasound tech said, 'Oh, there's two.' And my husband said, 'Two what?'" Sarah recalled. The Thistlewaites, who were once told they probably wouldn't be able to have children, suddenly learned they were having identical twin girls. On top of that, the babies were rare mono mono twins -- a pregnancy in which twins share the same placenta and amniotic sac. It only happens once in every 10,000 births. "I've been practicing high-risk obstetrics for about 35 years and I've seen less than 10 cases," said Dr. Justin Lavin from Akron General Medical Center. He said mono mono twins occur when the same embryo splits more than eight days after fertilization. Sarah, an eighth grade school teacher, was stunned by the news. "We were so excited that we were having twins and so that was great, and then you have the flip side of it that I knew I would have to be in the hospital for eight or nine weeks," Sarah said. The risks, Dr. Lavin explained, include cords becoming entangled or compressed. The couple has a 15-month-old son, Jaxon. For Sarah, being away from her toddler has been the hardest part. "We're trying to keep his life as normal as possible so he comes up and visits for a couple of hours," Sarah said. "It's hard to be here, be we know in the end, we're going to end up with two twin girls and they're going to be healthy and everything is great," Sarah said.
Due bellissime gemelline vennero al mondo tenendosi mano nella mano, la storia delle gemelline americane commosse il mondo intero, sottolineando ancora di più il fascino della nascita e il forte legame che avevano le due sorelle sviluppato fin dalla pancia della loro mamma.
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Il loro nome Jenna e Jillian, nacquero nel 2014 e la loro mamma, la 35enne Sarah Thistlethwaite, ha voluto mostrare a tutti come sono cresciute le due bambine, per la donna non fu un parto facile, rimase a letto per ben 57 giorni a causa di complicazioni durante la gravidanza, le fu praticato un cesareo al momento del parto, quando le piccole furono prese dai medici si strinsero per mano rimanendo strette l'una nell'altra come per farsi coraggio, per darsi forza.
Una tenerissima immagine che fece il giro del web e commosse il mondo, Jenna e Jillian crescono bene e cambiano a vista d'occhio come tutti i bambini della loro età, i caratteri sono molto diversi, Jillian è più temeraria e Jenna è molto dolce ma in ogni caso continuano ad essere inseparabili.
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